Welcome to our blog! We are Matt and Nicole (a.k.a Nikki) Carroll. Newlyweds from Newfoundland, living in BC. We've created this blog because we are so far away from home and deeply miss our family and friends. We've created it hoping to stay connected with the ones we love and continue to do life with them. We also want to share our faith and love, joys and struggles, lessons and experiences with everyone we know. God has blessed us so greatly with His love, grace and faithfulness that we want to share it with the world!
We are currently attending Bible College at Summit Pacific. Matt is entering his last year in Intercultural Studies and I (Nikki) am entering my 3rd year in Counselling foundations. Where will this take us? We have no idea, and we're totally okay with that. I got to college certain i would enter full-time, overseas missions. But as God directed me to switch out of intercultural studies, into counselling foundations, and as He led me into the most exciting journey of my life-marriage, I began to think a little differently and find myself back to thinking: I have no idea what my life will look like. But, this time around I know that, more than anything, I want to serve my God and support my hubby. You see, my hubs is very gifted. He's one of those guys you kinda love to hate because he can do anything. And if he comes up against something he's not so good at (golf) he will work and work until he is. But the thing he is best at is music- specifically worshiping God with music. God has given him an anointing, and we believe He has great plans for us. :)
Right now God is teaching us how to trust Him. I was under the impression I had this covered- I was good to go! After all, I backpacked Europe trusting and relying on God! Well, either i forgot how to trust, or i grew up and lost my 'child-like' faith. I'm thinkin' it's a bit of both. Suddenly we find ourselves up against a quickly approaching jam packed, term which I will be just too busy to work. Not to mention how often I come come from my job (i'm a waitress at Boston Pizza) feeling emotionally and physically exhausted, used, unappreciated and broken. This morning, after many tears, Hubs and I decided that my time at BP is up. I've been wanting to leave for quite a while now, but i was constantly lured back in by the love of money. God wants to be our provider now and teach us to trust Him. I must admit, i'm a little scared. I'm a hard worker and I guess i have been tricked into believing that i must work hard to gain His provision- even though i would have been the first to point out the fallacy in this. But I know my God is good and faithful. And i'm excited to have a season where i can focus on Him and allow Him to provide. Sometimes God will ask us to take a step of faith and to trust Him. Well, we're stepping out. trusting.